Accounting Education Foundation, Inc. Contribution
The Accounting Education Foundation, Inc., (AEF) operates on a not-for-profit basis within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS code and the regulations issued thereunder. It is funded primarily by contributions of the WVSCPA members through the annual dues collection process of the Society. AEF has its own Board of Directors that acts on the behalf of the organization. Funds are provided primarily by contributions of WVSCPA members through the membership dues collection process. The purpose/mission of the Accounting Education Foundation, Inc. is stated below.

Mission Statement: The Accounting Education Foundation, Inc. was formed in 1975. Its purpose/mission is to aid, promote, develop and advance education and research relating to the study, teaching and practice of accountancy and allied fields. Its funds are to be used for educational purposes relating to the field of accountancy and allied fields; to improve education or advance educational standards in accounting and allied fields; and to establish and provide financial assistance to needy or deserving students.