Accounting & Auditing Standards
Board Liaison
Nancy LanktonMarshall University Lewis College of Business - Huntington
Kristin MoodySuttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston
Vice Chair
Sarah CrouseSuttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston
Susan Barber
Community Bank of Parkersburg - Parkersburg
Jennifer Benn
Baker Tilly US, LLP - Morgantown
- Danny Blair
Shea Boothe
Concord University - Athens
Christopher Deweese
Suttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston
Elizabeth Farley
Suttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston
Mary Fleece
Tetrick & Bartlett, PLLC - Clarksburg
Arron Fleming
WVU John Chambers College of Busine ss and Economics - Morgantown
Barbara Gencel
Suttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Morgantown
Theodore Lopez
Baker Tilly US, LLP - Bridgeport
Natalie Luppold
Suttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston
Ty McClanahan
Gray, Griffith & Mays, A.C. - Charleston
Sheena Meade
Gray, Griffith & Mays, A.C. - Charleston
Thomas Moody II
Mustang Holdings, Inc. - Ravenswood
- Liz Sexton
- Edward Thompson
- Noah Thompson
Ericka Vance
Suttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston
William Withrow
Suttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston
Sean Woody
Suttle & Stalnaker, PLLC - Charleston